“Empowering students’ sense of mathematics to make mathematics more interesting
and practicable as a part of the contextual teaching and learning process in addition to lead in prioritizing
a high-profile reputation over traditional degrees in 21st-century mathematics education”

Prioritizing a high-profile reputation over traditional degrees in 21st-century mathematics education is essential for securing better job opportunities because employers increasingly value practical expertise, real-world impact, and a proven track record over formal qualifications alone. In today’s competitive landscape, a strong professional reputation, demonstrated through contributions to the field, leadership in innovative teaching practices, and active engagement with the mathematics community, can set candidates apart. This approach highlights an individual’s ability to apply knowledge effectively, stay current with educational trends, and influence the future of mathematics education—qualities that are highly sought after in modern job markets.


  1. Initiate and Promote Mathematics Clubs to enhance mathematical thinking:
  2. Develop an Online Presence:
  3. Coordinate Educational Platforms:
  4. Leverage Social Media:
  5. Conduct Research:
  6. Advocate for International Mathematics Day:
  7. Encourage Mathematical Exploration:
  8. Pursue International Grants: 
  9. Designing mathematics curricula


Research Initiatives and Outcomes

The Brainstormer Foundation traces its origins to groundbreaking research conducted prior to its formal registration. These efforts include the development of a novel concept in combinatorial geometry—partitioning the vertices of convex polygons into nonintersecting polygons—leading to 12 new integer sequences on OEIS.

Further research contributed five new integer sequences on 2D and 3D grid paths and the discovery of seven innovative methods, such as a trigonometric proof of Pythagoras’ theorem, completing the square, proofs without words, and simultaneous proof of the Sine and Cosine Rules.

Humanistic Mathematics Project

The Humanistic Mathematics Project is an initiative aimed at fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of mathematics among students. Through an emphasis on the historical developments of mathematics, nontraditional methods, and recreational approaches, this project aspires to elevate students’ skills and passion for mathematics. In February 2024, the Foundation launched the Brainstormer Maths Club at St. Benedict’s College, Colombo, to promote these values and guide students toward a high level of achievement in mathematics.


To promote research and discovery in mathematics, the Brainstormer Foundation is preparing to publish its first book, titled BRAINSTORMER, to celebrate and document innovative research and concepts. Additionally, the Foundation is developing an e-journal on its website to serve as a digital platform for disseminating original work and engaging with a wider academic audience.

Partnerships and Collaborations

The Brainstormer Foundation actively seeks partnerships with senior university lecturers and other professionals in mathematics. By fostering links with local and international agencies, we aim to expand opportunities for collaboration and enhance the impact of our research and educational initiatives.

Ways to Support Us:

Donate: Your financial contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant impact on our ability to continue our innovative work.

Collaborate: Share your knowledge and skills by volunteering or partnering with us to create exciting new educational experiences.

Spread the Word: Help us extend our reach by sharing our mission with your friends, colleagues, and networks.

Together, we can redefine how mathematics is taught and learned, making it a dynamic and joyful journey of discovery. Your involvement will directly impact the future of mathematics education. Thank you for joining us in this important endeavor.